Mobile digital vehicle inspection application for OEM and claims handler reporting
Vector Mapping mobile application, designed for dealerships to conduct accurate and consistent electronic inspections in partnership with the vehicle OEM
DVM® mobile app offers dealerships a consistent and transparent electronic inspection system.
It allows the receiving party to review and accept vehicle conditions or raise an exception, with data instantly available to OEM or claims handlers. DVM® helps identify potential issues in the supply chain by capturing key vehicle condition data, which is instantly reverse-coded into OEM damage codes. It works on IOS and Android platforms, and its integration is facilitated by its compatibility with different languages and formats.
The platform is a user-led, guided system that speeds up and assists the claims handling process, with the ability to interface into claims handling and OEM systems via API.
Vehicle inspections carried out through the DVM App are uploaded to the DeGould Dashboard to assist OEMs with damage liability throughout the supply chain. Assigning liability can allow KPIs to be tracked and disputes to be resolved.